United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

25 February 2022


The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is the main body of the United Nations (UN) regarding the trade and development issues. The UNCTAD was established in December 30, 1964, in order to accelerate growth and development particularly in the Developing Countries by addressing the topics of trade, development, and poverty.

The headquarters of the UNCTAD is located in Geneva-Switzerland. There are 195 members of the UNCTAD and the Secretary General (Acting) of UNCTAD is Rebeca Gyrnspan from Costa Rica.

UNCTAD focuses also on the topics of investment, technology, and sustainable development. The activities and methods of UNCTAD cover policy analysis, intergovernmental meetings, monitoring of the countries, and technical cooperation.
UNCTAD continues its work like the other bodies of the UN in order to achieve 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)

Generalized System of Preferences is the most important market access advantage provided by the UNCTAD to the Developing and Least Developed Countries. This system aims at increasing the share of the Developing and Least Developed Countries in the global trade. In this vein, regarding their export these countries benefit from lower or zero preferential tariff rates in pre-determined goods. This advantage makes market access easier for these countries.

Turkiye, even if it itself is also a Developing Country, grants preferential market Access to several countries due to the Customs Union between Turkiye and the European Union. In this way, Turkiye supports the efforts regarding development through trade.